Just built my new 188 Diesel for my 580B. Bolted it back in and got the hard nose all bolted up, too. All was going smoothly until tonight when I tried to install the injection pump. Felling a bit stupid right now, perhaps someone here can point me in a direction.Problem is this - Can't seem to time it to save myself. Here's what I know: 1) Engine is at #1 TDC. That's how I left it during the buildup. 2) Installing the cam, the two dots on the gear meshed in between one dot on the crank gear. 3) Installing the rest of the gear drive up front, the pointer hands on the dummy idler gear pointed at one of the dots on the cam, and the one dot on the gear/shaft that drives the injection pump, so I think they are timed right. 4) When I bolted the flywheel up, the only way it seemed to want to line up ended up placing the timing marks right where they should be for the inspection port over near the starter. That made sense since I left it on #1 TDC. Here's what I did tonight: 1) Move the flywheel position slightly to 8 degrees BTDC. 2) Install 2 new seals on the pump shaft, using appropriate tool. Lubed 'em up good. 3) Took a clean screwdriver and rotated the pump (inside the pump) so that the two lines in the pump window lined right up. That was per the Case manual. 4) Thought to myself, those lines would line up when the crank was at 0 degrees BTDC, not at 8 degrees BTDC. Made sense because the position of the pump driveshaft coming out of the engine was not corresponding to the inside of the pump. 5) Moved the pump position (screwdriver again) approximately 90 degrees to match the shaft coming out of the engine. 6) Carefully installed pump over shaft, using special tool for seals. (Getting a good "feel" for that now...) Am confident that the notch on the end of the pump drive shaft and the inside of the pump engaged because I felt very little resistance the whole way sliding in, except for maybe the last 1/8", and I am sure that was the plunger spring preload out on the drive gear side of things. By the way, there is a little pin on the notch that is suppsed to line up in the pump else you end up 180 degrees off. That was correct, no problem there. 7) Turn the crank to 0 degrees BTDC and the marks in the side window are nowhere close (one is not visible in the window). 8) Pulled pump back off, grumbled some and scratched my head. 9) With the pump off, I rotated the crank back and forth for say, 30 degrees. Pump drive shaft position did not seem to move. Does that sound right? 10) One thing I forgot to add was that when pulling the pump from the old engine two months ago, I forgot to wire the throttle wide open (doh!). I did pull it wide open before sliding on this time, and took my finger inside the pump bore and positioned the do-hickey that had slid out of place because it was not originally wired open. Don't know if that had anything to do with it or not. Maybe there's something stupidly obvious here that someone can tell me. I'm at a loss right now. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Kevin