Well I've about had it with this machine. Here's the short story: 1) Bought a machine with a worn out engine and a rebuild shuttle a couple of years ago, ran until it lost a rod bearing. 2) Full rebuild, but had an issue with machinest that made me tear the machine back down again. (My fault for not catching bad machine work). 3) Rebuild again, run perfect for about 25 hours before winter. 4) Had new 50/50 mix in the cooling system, but somehow froze. Split block down the middle. 5) Bought new block and rebuilt again. Had issues timing the pump, but figured that out easy enough. Cranked for oil pressure, and it fired it up, but no oil pressure! Shut down quick, didn't hurt anything. Forgot to put in pipe plug in end of rear oil galley. Tore down. 6) Installed plug, machine fired right up last night and purrrrr rrred like a kitten. Awesome. 7) Let run for about 3 minutes at about 700rpm. New problem: Lost 3 quarts of oil in that timeframe. Put 3 more quarts in, 3 minutes later it's gone. Did this a couple of times. Oil pressure is rock-solid 60psi @ 700rpm, 65psi @ 1500rpm. Engine sounds awesome. Starts easy, no smoke, runs perfect.Here's what I've deducted: 1) No visible oil leaks 2) Good oil pressure 3) Front and rear oil galley pipe plugs are fine 4) Rear plug that seals cam bore is fine (checked when I tore down to install the galley plug - no leaks) 5) I am sure I got the rear main seal right when I rebuilt. Only place I can think of the oil going is in the torque tube. Only thing I can think of is the rear main seal, somehow. It's leaving the oil pan at the rate of 1 quart per minute while at 700rpm. Anyone have some advice here? I hate to think of splitting the tractor AGAIN. This pile of junk is going to be sold as soon as it's fixed. Perhaps if someone wanted it as-is now, a deal could probably be arranged. Thanks, Kevin