Something is breaking down. The brakes will act up and squeak if crap gets in there or they could be burned up also. I've seen that happend and plug the strainer. Those had good power brakes and guys liked to use the wheel brakes for turning on the ends. Do the for enough days in the field all the time and its toast. I wouldn't run it like this too long. Clutch plates etc. can be replaced , even cheaper after market or used. Once you screw up gears and shafts it can get very VERY COSTLY! Those engines put out lots of HP probably too much for the trans behind it. If worked hard at max hp. the trans could be getting tired and maybe time to be taken apart Cluthc plates in the powershift could be worn down too. Labor, Plates, linings, seals and gaskets add up in a hurry. If you can do it yourself you'll save a pile. The trans splits and rolls back from the engine with the cab supported. Just hope no crown&pinon, plantary gears or shaftes etc. are damaged. A good thing is there is lots of used parts around if needed and after market trans parts from A&I.