Gary: The real problem you have is that the grease you clean off is not really biodegradeable, right? To get the stuff off you need to emulsify it using a soap or a detergent (chemically they are different) that will make the fats wettable, but the oils will still try to separate if they meet with the ground or surface water. To try it, just clean a finger tip sized area with some hand cream or cold cream and then toss that glob in a bucket of water. THe oil film will begine to form in a few minutes. If you want to make your own soap out of the grease and you are not afraid of harming the paint, you might want to try lye in a corn starch suspension. It's cheaper than oven cleaner, you can make it your self as needed, and it will pretty much settle into the grass. But with any method, the oils will remain and over time will leach and separate, and find their way to the waters. Short of trapping them in some kitty litter, drying that out and disposing of it bagged in a land fill, you might not have many options. I have a recipe on my website if you'd like to read about it. under "restoration tips". ALso, have some pictures of the cleaning I had to do on my VAC there as well. Frank