Tim, Any generator/reg will operate +ve or -ve Ground. You just need to polarize correctly. The important issue is matching "TYPE" of the Gen to the Reg, The Type "A" Gen is seeking Field "Ground" provided by a type "A" Regulator. The Type "B" Gen is seeking Field "Voltage" provided by the type "B" regulator. One of the ways to determine if they match is to loosen the fan belt and Polarize (jumper Bat to Armature)with the Regulator connected. The Gen will MOTOR (rotate)only if the Field Type Matches. This can be done on the Bench and you may have to Help "Start" it motor (low Starting Torque) If Gen & Reg don't match its easy to determine the type of Gen by "first" removing the connection (wire) at the Regulator "Field" . You then Motor by jumpering BAT & Armature and touch the field wire (now loose in your hand) first to the Frame Ground, and then move it to BAT. If the GEn motors when field is connected to Frame Ground its a type "A" Gen, If it motors when the field wire is connected to BAT its a type "B" Hope this Helps,