While I am not fully familiar with that crawler, if you have smoke or steam coming out of the filer tube it is overheating the oil. Over heated oil can come from a number of causes. This is my experience with other types of TCs. I would presume all new filters, and the right kind of oil. You will want to use non-foaming oil. Oil is filled to the proper level. No leaks or air bleeding in. If you are in by pass mode, there will be no pressure to the system and will bleed back to the thank and will get very hot very vast. On some converters there is a pump bypass and thermal regulating housing. Is the regulating valve functioning properly. What did you do to the rear end. Did you replace any parts to either the TC or the powershift component to the the transmission? If you did, that may be what failed. Did you get everthing out of there. Like all bolts washers ect was everything accounted for. Seen it happen where something got left behind and then as it floated around made a real mess. A Fiat Allis dealer can help you. In Omaha, Fehrs Nebraska Tractors still has one guy left that knows about those things. Last year they did, if now they can put you in contact with someone that used to work there that knows those machine. Good luck, Nice machine, wished I had one. Got Internationl instead, and a few old AC HD9's which I really like.