09-26-2000 06:20:42
Re: athey wagon in reply to Martin McKenna, 09-25-2000 08:33:35
Hi, Martin, about an athey wagon, this is a track unit with a hitch, they are used for whatever you want to make them into, like buying a set of wheels and a hitch for your pickup, you can add anything you want. The crain affair that Red used on his was prbably added. We used these units in this country years ago, pulled behind cats, some with fuel tanks mounted, some with flat decks, for hauling supplies, or rig equipment,etc. We found in our conditions they were not very good, not to say that in other conditions they probably work just fine. Here, the tracks would ball up with mud 'till they wouldn't turn, in winter snow and ice turned them into a "skid" unit, not easy to pull. This is probably one of the few rigs I don't have a picture of, sorry! Hope I have shed a little lite on the subjectfor you, lots of luck,G.