I posted this on the CASE board as well so if it looks like a duplicate it is except I spelled losing right this time.I am looking for clues guys. I have an '86 1835b with the 188 diesel. It starts fine and idles fine, when throttle is opened up it will operate properly for a few minutes then bog down to what seems like 3/4 speed and pumps out the blue smoke. When you return to idle it idles fine. Needless to say power leaves as well. When in this state bucket and lift arm operation doesn't seem to have an effect on engine nor does wheel movement except for the load imposed by moving. This has happened before and changing the filter corrected the problem ( I can understand how air starving could cause this condition). Now it runs like this even with the intake tube removed. I have changed air and fuel filters and changed the engine oil and filter. How can I seperate wether this is an engine problem or a hydraulics draggin the engine down problem? Any ideas would be welcome. Especially welcome if explanation is included. Thanks Chuck