Hi, Phil. After almost 40 years, if I'm not a competent operator, I've wasted a helluva lotta my life and I'm still getting paid for being a VERY competent operator so I probably haven't wasted all that time. I'm NOT colour-blind. I still look at each machine on its merits and in the light of my experience of them. If YOU buy on COLOUR, you're not very smart. In my humble experience, all other things being equal, I'd take the 'Kummagutsa' over the (Just Inadequate) Case any time. I also note in this series of posts that one person claimed that Case was the first with Full- power turns in their crawler tractors. I don't know if it gave them full-power turns or not, but Cletrac were making diff-steer crawlers way before Case even had a crawler tractor division. (Which, incidentally, they acquired by buying out TerraTrac.) You may like to run that one by Blake Malkamaki at Cletrac.org. (Link below.) I suspect that the early Holt and Best tiller-wheel steer crawlers may have had a diff which would have given them full power on both tracks while turning. That would be a helluva long time before Case got into the act. I also KNOW that many British WW1 tanks had separate gearboxes for each track and that the tank was steered by changing the gearbox for one track up or down to slow or speed up that track. That was FOR SURE a LONG time pre-Case. Who-ever you were, if you are going to make STATEMENTS, at least have the integrity to be informed about the topic on which you are making said statement. You have a wonderful day. Best wishes. Deas Plant.