Sam Savage
07-13-2001 04:43:10
Most of the decent-running T-340's seem to have an asking price of $3000 to $4500. I've seen two in the past month advertised in Lancaster Farming (a local SE PA weekly) for $3700 and $3500. These had six-way blades and were in "good condition", which as we all know can be a very relative term. There also was a loader backhoe combination, not running, bad clutch and hydraulic pump, with an asking price of $5000 (seemed high). The three point hitch is a little more unusual, and could be fairly usefull, so this machine is probably worth close to what a dozer or loader would be. It would be a great collector machine - looks neat (my opinion), and takes up very little garage space. As with all machines, the condition is the real determining factor of value. As the newest of the T-340's are now pushing 40 years old, there will most likely be some worn and broken parts. If the machine needs final drive work, like pinions and bearings, $1000 can be spent very quickly. Front idler seals are $70 each, and steering clutch friction pads are $60 each. It can add up quick. I'm in the middle of restoring a T-340A with a six-way blade. Got the transmission, reverser, and steering clutches done, made new front idler shafts and bushings, rebuilt the hydraulic pump, and painted most of the machine. I'm putting the final drives back together now. Saving the engine for last.