Long story short: I bought a used New Holland skid steer yesterday that was up a very steep curvy driveway. Got it basically running at the top, but rather than load onto a trailer at the top and risk jacknifing on teh way down the hill, we decided to drive it down the hill and load onto a trailer down there. And the sun was going down...So, going down the steep, curved driveway at dusk, the engine cut out. The guy driving it lost control and it went over the edge and tipped onto its left side. He came out of it shaken and with only his pride damaged. A friend who happens to own a huge rollback AND an identical skidsteer managed to rescue it today and bring it back to my farm. The main damage that I see is this. The left rear wheel is noticeably shoved in- at least an inch more than the others- AND it is stuck. When we drag the unit, the left rear wheel is locked up, and you hear a rapid clicking sound as the other wheels turn. As we were gently righting the machine, there were 30 seconds or so where most of the weight of the machine was placed on that left rear wheel, laterally. Once it was up, I noticed that the tire was actually touching the frame. As we slowly towed it out of the woods, the wheel gradually eased out away from the frame. As I recall, it was definintely rotating when we were pulling it out. It is stuck now though. I am unable to attempt to drive the machine at the moment and see if that wheel motor works because there is something broken in the hydraulics and it squirts fluid. The seller has a service manual coming to me, but I don't have it yet. So- anybody know how badly my new toy is broken?