Roy, Let me start by asking do you have the shop manual? If you do you already have the info I have, this may not be much help but here goes anyway. Figure 51-25-26 on page 51-25-13 shows the configuration for the crankshaft and the cam. Looking at this photo, it appears that the crankshaft is turned so that the timing mark is at about 165 degrees with staight up being zero. With the cranshaft in this position you would install the camshaft so that it's timing mark will line up, or is directly adjacent to the crankshaft mark. Now, this may not be what you are asking and if so then the timing for the injector pump would be shown on page 91-20-2. According to the manual, turn the engine in the direction of rotation (counter-clockwise as viewed from the flywheel) until no. 1 piston is on the compression stroke. The "DC" mark on the flywheel should line up with the timing mark on the flywheel housing. They mention if you rotate the engine beyond the "DC" timing mark that it will be necessary to turn the engine backwards at least 1/4 turn to remove all gear train backlash. I assume that you can't find a timing window #13366. I have some photos in the manual which maybe of some help. If I can believe the manual they show that your timing mark on the pump should be about at about the 4th tick mark from the left or about 1/3 of the way to the right. Do not know if this helps a lick or not. Let me know if you don't have the manual and maybe I can scan a page or two. Good luck, Jerri