My apologies to those who have read this on the Oliver forum. Just trying to get a good sample of advice. . . Well, I'm past the giddy stage of a new tractor aquistion and it is now time to see how much TLC this old girl will require. Fluids: I pulled the plugs on the drifferentail/transmission and found 1.5 gallons of water (not milky oil - H2O) and a quart of sludge. The manual calls for SAE 40 in the diff/trans - Is there a better choice 50+ years later? Engine Oil: Same question, manual calls for SAE 30, anything better to use today? Speaking of Engine Oil: Anyone have a Oil Filter brand/number that works? Speaking of brand/part numbers: Anyone have a suggestted spark plug? Final Drives: Manual calls for SAE 40. Oil of choice in 2007? Lastly, does a guy need to watch out for detergent vs. non-detergent oils in any of these applications?