A properly maintained magneto will start as easily as a distributor. The usual distributor maintenance items apply, such as clean and properly gapped points, good wires, etc. The main differences with a mag are the 'impulse' coupling, which 'snaps' the mag over at cranking speed to create a hotter spark, and the fact that a mag uses a rotating coil inside a magnet to generate it's own electricity. If that magnet gets weak, then starting becomes a problem. Some (if not all) magneto magnets can be remagnetized if necessary. Likewise, if the impulse coupling gets gummed up and doesn't 'snap' the mag over, it won't start. The primary advantage of a mag is that the faster you spin it, the hotter the spark, so when you're really working the engine, the mag is doing it's best work. And, if you have electric start, you can still start it with a dead battery, providing you have a crank.