I never really "got" this Red versus Green thing anyway. I own 2 Farmalls and I just got a JD LX178 lawn tractor because I got a heck of a deal on it. Am I to be shamed?? I think not. I really don't see too much JD bashing on this board, but I see a bunch of Farmall bashing on some other boards. Why?? I don't know, but I think it is something like this and I'll probably get flamed here. Farmall made a great product that has been proven to be very durable, useful, reliable and tough. They didn't make as many different varients as JD, so there are not really as many truely "collectible" Farmalls. And even those are mostly still hard at work. John Deere made a great product that has been proven to be very durable, useful, reliable and tough (although I still think Farmall was better "wink"). But there seem to be a lot more rare models an different varients. Small supply equals higher prices, not better tractors. To illustrate, the JD A went through about 4 major changes during it's production run. The Farmall M went through a series of small changes and remained relatively unchanged during the production run. The early JDs are considered more "collectible" than the Farmall M. Both served the same market. If there is a point to all this rambling it is that everybody has a right to love their machines for their own reasons. Variety is the spice of life and my next tractor will most likely be a JD just because I don't have one. If it gets stuck I'll pull it out with a Farmall. If a farmall gets stuck, I'll pull it with a JD. Who cares??