Kirk, When I put the M&W pump on my "H" (20 some odd years ago), I diden't change the cam gear. I am the only person that runs my tractor, this may help me in a lot of ways as I try to take care of my equipment. I don't hold the hydraulics open after the loader or three point has run it's cycle, or put a (as we call it) a heavy load on the pump. I did install a priory valve (sp) that runs the power steering. My brother has a M&W pump on his M, but it was on the tractor when he bought it some 35 years ago. He has never replaced anything but oil, filters, points, and such. The tractor was rebuilt just before he bought it from our uncle's estate. Some people may advise otherwise, I don't know for sure. Maybe "Wardner"(sp), D. Slater (sp), or others may be able to answer this question much better than I can. If I were you and I wanted that pump, I would use esnipe, or whatever snipping service you wish to bid on it in the last 3 or 4 seconds of the auction. esnipe charges a penney on the dollar for their services. You set whatever you think is the MOST that you want to pay for it and then wait until the auction is finished. When its over you either get it or someone else has outbid you. Some people don't like snipping, but I don't have the time to set at a computer with a stop watch and try to bid on things at the last second. Hope this info is of some use for you. Good Luck, Please keep up posted.