Did you find the problem yet?If not, you may find the following information useful (assuming you have the more common battery ignition system and not the magneto: you never did tell us). Disregard if you already know how to use a dashboard ammeter to ''monitor'' an ignition system. I made a slight mistake in my earlier post. The divisions on the standard IH ammeter are 2 amps, not one, so my Super C shows a four-amp static discharge. Then, I started the tractor using the starter motor. The battery was in a better state of charge than I thought. The voltage regulator then took the system to about ten amps charge, held this for about three to five minutes, then once again showed the static discharge of four amps as the battery ''floated'' across the system. Take the exact amount of these readings with a grain of salt; my ammeter is maybe sixty years old and the tiny magnets, coils, etc. in a d'Arsonval movement can degrade over time (although they usually don't and I think mine's fairly accurate).