TDK: Having owned a Farmall 504 in the past, I was convinced it was a Farmall he was describing, then he came up with serial number 5858 being a 63 and that indicated Utility. On the matter of some material missing from archives, I went looking for something I once said, couldn't find it. That was about a month ago. Then I brought up my total posting history since 1999, and found somewhere in the order of 26,000. One year ago, I knew that was very close to 30,000, thus I expected to find somewhere in the order of 34,000 to 35,000 posts. If you look at my history of posting it has been right around 5,000 per year. I had expected I was down a bit in 2006, I'm not quite as keen on this as I once was. I do however suspect there are close to 9,000 posts I made on YT, are missing from the archives. I've never really raised this before, guess I didn't see it as being very significant. I've never asked anyone else if they noticed the same. When one thinks of the physical working of these forums, I would think it would be total threads missing rather than individual posts. My point is, how do you delete a post without deleteing posts that responded to it. Quite frankly, I don't think I'll loose a lot of sleep over it. I sometimes wonder why Kim archives any of the discussion. Take letter series Farmalls for example, I'll bet every question is in there 100 times minmum.