Hugh, I like the look in a little boys eyes when hes learning and figuring out things. I dont have a son, nor do I intend to have kids, but I have a nephew and niece whom I enjoy teaching things quite a bit. My nephew is a handful, but doesnt have a dad because hes not of the correct "orientation" and decided to not be in his life. That whole side of the family has pretty much forgotten my nephew exists, and its just not right. Its really messed up and I feel for the little guy quite a bit, so I try to be as much of a father to him as possible when I can. It really bothers me when dads do that. I'm of the firm beleif that if you arent financially,emotionally, and mentally capable of having kids, dont have intercourse. People laugh at me cause of that, but I dont care. It just makes sense. Anyways, my little nephew really enjoys my radio control hobby, and he loves my tractor. He's only 8 and thinks he should be able to drive it,cause he drives my sister's boyfriends's little green compact tractor. It's hard to explain to him that he just cant, but He understands now what it can do and understand its for his own safety. we went and broke a few things with the loader and smashed some things with the fasthitches downpressure. He was amazed =) Really enjoyed it. Taught him some things about the tractor and how to be safe with it especially since they are older machines and clutches can stick, and things can go wrong. I wish he lived closer, but my sister moved out of this piece of crap town after her breakin. He lives about a half hour away, and I visit mom's place in her town once a week. However my sister is way to strict on him, I think shes overcompensating for the lack of a true father figure, I dont know, but me and mom rarely get to visit him unless its convenient for my sister. I cant call up and say, next weekend can I take tyler for the weeknd, it just wont happen unfortunately. Hopefully he remembers the times I've spent with him when he gets older. I really worry about him because of his dad. He's a troubled little guy at times, and my sister is too busy busy to sit down and have heart to heart conversations with him. I better shutup before I get too upset about the whole situation. Summer is coming, hopefully I can steal him away for a few days to have some fun!! Sorry for the venting, but It just spewed out of my fingertips =)