libs, unfortunately the main hydarulic filter screen is under the resevoir cover, which the seat is attatched too. And also unfortunatley, you have to drain the resevoir before removing the cover. you'll also need to remove the hardlines from the front of the cover (you can leave them bolted to the pump)and the valve blocks from the side. That is why I suggested looking in through the fill cap with a light and mirror, u might be able to see it. If you do decide to pull the cover (unfortunately its the last thing I checked), be sure to clean the resevoir and cover well. DO NOT use carb cleaner on it, It removes the paint/primer. Just wiping it out and scooping the crud out of the bottom should be good, you want it clean, but you dont wanna introduce anything into the system like soap that u cant be sure you've removed all of. You'll need 2 strong hands or a lift/cherry picker. Be sure to lift the cover straight up and dont let it turn, because the filter hangs lower then the res cover and you can EASILY Damage it. I'm not positive this is your problem, But I tried EVERYTHING to fix my whining pump except for this. While you have the hydraulic oil out, either change it with new, or filter the old stuff good before u put it back in. If its milky or cloudy it has moisture in it and will need to be replaced or heated up and the water driven out of it, not too hot or u can burn the oil. (not much above 220F outta boil the water and not harm the oil) Cleaning the filter isnt a simple process, so try to see if you can see it through that cap. If you have gasket material, u can make a new gasket, which I've done, not the easiest, but I've done it. They are only 17$ at case, so maybe that would be the better route. Just be sure not to crush the filter or you'll be shelling out around $90 for a new one, like I did. Just loosen the nut holding the fiilter on the res cover, and then spin the pipe off using channel locks or something, best to replace the oring while your at it, so its not sucking air. As I said before, I'm not sure if this is the problem, but if your new pump is also whining, the filter is probably at fault. I did everything to my system before I took that route. I boiled and filtered the oil 3 times because of the residue in the hoses and cylinders would recontaminate the fluid. Then I changed the fluid. I diassembled/inspected/cleaned both of my valves and the safety regulator. Still a whiney pump. I narrowed it down to a clogged filter or worn pump drive gear. I took the res cover off, the filter was clogged and had crushed the filter and sucked a hole through it. I didnt wanna spend the $90 on a new one, So I went the cheap and stupid route and put an external filter assembly on the hardlines. While this was a good idea in theory, these older pumps are not designed to suck fluid through a 25micron hydraulic filter, especially in the winter. removed the new filtr asembly, and no whine. Just got a new OEM screen, and am about to put it back in. If yours is damaged, I suggest u try to find a used one (good luck, I looked for over a month), or you'll have to spend the money on a new one from the dealer. Hopefully Your is in good shape!! Good luck.