Brian, heres the thing, there is no way to get all of the fluid out of the tranmission, pump, hoses and so on. The only way to get it clear is to keep draining and readding fluid, then running it a bit, then repeat. Now that can become quit expensive. I believe the 1256 has ALOt of hytran in it, around 10 gallons give or take a few gallons. You can heat up the oil to drive the water out. Be careful to not burn the oil, keep it above 220, but below 250. That is ALOT of fluid to boil. Took me a good day to do 3 gallons, but I only had one pot. If you do decide to do it, do not put the pot on the stove or burner and crank it on high to get it up to 220, u will burn the oil on the bottom. Put it on about 3 or 4 and watch the temp with a candy thermometer. While the fluid is hot run it through a fine mesh or filter to remove contaminates, dont use a coffe filter, as its way too fine. Other then that, there really is no way to get the water out. You might be able to work the tractor and leave the fill cap off, but I'd be scared of getting crap in there. Even doing that will take forever to drive all of the moisture out. Unfortunately its the nature of the beast, unless u want to diassemble and drain every part of the system, its just not feasible to change it once and expect the old fluid to not mix with the new fluid.