I would remove each cylinder and manually extend it. If you cant, something is wrong with the cylinder mechanically. If they move out, then the piston seals are probably worn and need replaced. Air in the hoses/cylinders will still allow the cylinders to move, but it might take 5 or 10 seconds for the air to compress to the point its able to lift the loader. It will also make for a bouncy loader. As for getting the plugs out, well, make sure theres no paint covering the plug so the lube can penetrate. I would advise againt a torch as it could ruin the seals internally. a little heat wont hurt, but dont go crazy with a torch. Not sure what u mean by both hoses? Are the cylinders 2 way? (2 hoses on each cylinder) If they are, only connecting one hose should still allow the cylinder to move one way, but not the over (if the other port is able to breathe).
Also, what shape are the rods in? If they are rusty, and the cylinders are 2 way, rebuilding them is gonna require getting new rods, which is quite $$$ The rusty rods will ruin the new outer seal very rapidly and it will leak like all heack. If the cylinders are one way, then a little rusty rod is of little consequence, as the rod seal is just a wiper and even if it get worn out, it only wipes any excess fluid off the rod that gets past the piston seal. with a 2 way, the seal holds hydraulic pressure is is very sensitive to damaged/rusty rods