Kirk in Ks,
04-14-2007 19:38:37
I got bad new's, on that W-6, well,,, i found out it did leak hyd fluid into the sump , thru the main seal, and thru the pump seal too, and out thru the bottom onto the ground, well,,, I am wincing at the thought of having to split it in two and then redo it, but ,,, It seem's as though that's the only way to do this, Im degunking it now, and getting part's for it unlike I thought it was gonna be ANYTHING LIKE THIS? Ohh Boyyyy,,,, well,,, i guess Ill just take one thing at a time and go slow and then itll get done i guess, I dont wanna get rid of it, cause ive seen w-6's that were done the right way, and their cherry, I cant let it go cause I dont think anyone would want a tractor that isnt running,and need's this much work to make right, I have courage to do this though, I mean it would look crazy to the average person, but not to tractor people, Ive seen alot worse than this and the guy redid it and it turned out really nice, Id really like to have a farmall F-20 in grey too,as their really sweet when redone the right way,