Charlie, Perhaps Bob or Bob M who are much more familiar with IHC then myself can correct me, but far as I know GENERALLY SPEAKING a battery powered coil ignition develops more spark energy than a garden variety magneto ignition. (In response to your mags "hotter spark" scenario) THEREFORE thats one darn good reason for a battery powered coil n distributor ignition over a mag any day. Reason 2: The distributor has a far better variable spark advance curve versus RPM versus a mag with ONLY TWO TIMINGS, the static start/impulse time and the advance run time PERIOD. Reason 3: A Mag has all that mechanical spring wind n trip impulse mechanism to mess with and possibly go bad which the distributor doesnt have. Reason 4: With such limited energy to begin with, any minor faults such as corroded or burned points or a weak condensor or a weak spring etc can cause either no fire at all or a weak spark versus a higher energy battery coil coil that can stand some imprefection yet still deliver decent spark energy. Of course, a non batetry hand cranker limits one to a mag but until shown otherwise I'm still am of the opinion the stock batery powered coil distributor ignition develops more spark energy and fer sure has a more efficient variable versus RPM spark advance curve then a mag and dont have all the spring wind n trip n impulse potential problems. Thats my story n Ima stickin to it lol Yall take care now John T