A business partner of mine just purchased a International TD-6 for use on our mine. I'm not familiar at at with Farmall/International models, maintainence, etc. I did some basic tractor work on my grandfathers farm for a few years as a teenager but I remember little. Never messed much with maintainence either. Can anyone suggest where to find an operators manual(cheaper the better), operating instructions? The work site is very remote, we know we'll run into problems and want to be as prepared as possible. Any suggestions on recommended tools /sizes to keep out there, common problems/issues, suggested reading, or things to check out BEFORE we trailer it and take it on site? In addition, any operating do's/don't with this machine. I'm not sure off the top of my head but I believe it was a mid-late 50's model. We paid the dealer to service it and fix a few borderline problems it had. But I'm obviously a bit skeptical. Like I said, were looking at putting a tool kit together, we can't keep everything on sight. Also, because I'm a state away and won't be out there for a while any book/article where I can learn basic operation in order to shorten the learning curve? Sorry for the novel. Thanks ahead of time guys. Semper Fi-God, Country, Corps