You need to go ahead and get this engine off the tractor. and then, Turn it upside down. 1. Carefully get the front pulley off. That is a mouthful. (I broke mine getting it off) make sure you safeguard the key. I would put the nuts and bolts and pieces you are taking off in plastic bags and label them. You need to take this off with a puller. 2. Get the govenor, magneto drive, and idler gear off and put them up. 3. Then, CAREFULLY, remove the drive gear for the cam. ANOTHER MOUTH FULL. If you have never done this, you need good advice and a puller. I am not one to give advice on that subject cause I broke mine. and you are going to do that also if you pry on it and bang on it. This needs to come off with a puller. 4. Remove the big plate up front. 5. then, carefully and I say carefully, take the three pieces off at the oil seal in the rear. The little cross piece metal piece comes out first. Get it out, then take off the cast seal holders--two pieces bolted together. 6. Once you get the main bearing caps off, the crank will lift up just a little and then it can be rotated so that you can get to the nuts on the other rod caps that you cannot now reach. While you are monkeying around in the bottom, take out the oil pump...two bolts...and a little piece of pipe about 4 inches long...screw it out of the block because if not careful, you will break it off like everyone else does. The hardest thing here is removing the pulley off the crank and the cam drive gear. Some of the other guys on here will have to tell you how to safely do that. TW