That it runs is the main thing and of course invalidates my warning in this instance. However, I think it still stands as an important thing for first-time tractor buyers to bear in mind.As for the rest; ok, so I was being a little too over-cautious for some of you guys. It's what Bohemians tend to do. It makes us good investors and lousy gamblers. No offense taken, Bob. But in the same spirit, I hope you understand that if I am looking at ANY vehicle, at ANY price, and I am not free to examine it to my complete satisfaction, I don't have to be chased off - I will walk. Mind you, I agree fully that it is inappropriate for tire-kickers to carry around spark-plug wrenches and compression testers! If I demonstrated a REAL interest in the vehicle and the owner still didn't want me to take a tester to it, alarm bells would go off, but it wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker. Instead I would point the vehicle downhill or listen carefully to the starter motor as the engine is cranked to see if different cylinders represent radically different loads. (I'm not sure if dhermesc is kidding us or not; it's hard to tell over the internet. In any event, I would never try to start an M of unknown condition in fifth, except in extremis.) I think perhaps the differences of opinion expressed here come from a different buying philosophy. I don't have a lot of machine shop experience and anyway, I don't have time for any new projects. So, I would only buy a vehicle if I thought any problems it had fell within my realms of experience. I'm certainly not trying to start an argument with people such as George, Hal, and Hugh who have more experience and knowledge than myself. Nor do I think anyone is giving bad advice here. I just wanted to explain my viewpoint, and I might even gently suggest that it is perhaps well suited to a first-time or inexperienced buyer who must perforce attach more importance to the condition of the vehicle than the experts we are lucky to have on this board, who can confidantly buy almost anything if the price is right, knowing they can handle almost any situation that might arise.