Yep Spook!! Love my dogs more then most people. Maddie is rather ditzy like a blonde, dad calls her blondie in her moments. She is very sweet, energetic and loving girl. Maxwell is a smart stubborn brute, hehe. He has his loving moments too like when we go to retire he tries to give me kisses and I usually end up getting stern with him. Maddie has a weird thing she does. She snorts like a pig ALOT, especially when shes jealous of max for attention. It's rather funny. Not sure what I'll do when they pass on. We had their grandparents. They are dad and daughter and could breed, but I find it ethically wrong, altho if it happens, it does, not unheard of in the breeding "industry". Many people say we are weird for naming them after their ancesters. They looked nearly identical to them as well. It was dad's idea, and to me, it keeps their memory alive in some way. Same nick names, altho new ones have evolved too. Here's a few more pics of the rascals...
Unfortunately while posting these pics, I came acrossed the ones of "Old Maddie" (as we call them), who passed away, a few days before we euthanized her. Dad, who loves them almost as much as he loves mom and possibly more then us kids, prolonged her demise. She suffered alot more then she should have. Old Max went rather quick, altho I strayed with him for 2 weeks constantly helping him after each seizure, as he eventually gave into more frequent seizures. Old Maddie hung in for months getting more and more sick, skinny, with bleeding breast tumors. Dad just couldnt bear to let her go. I even thought of having her euthanized while he was at work and telling him she died. I cant fault dad too much tho, when they both died, its the ONLY time I've seen dad cry. He was distraught for weeks about it. Often in the am when he let them out to go potty, he would call for both of them and then remember she was gone. They are both now on the hutch. Dad sprung for the "private cremations." Not sure how private they are, but just another example of how much he cared for them in life and death. He's cheap, so it means something to spend more money. He footed the 700$ bill 2 years before maddies death when her uterus became infected. The vet showed me it after the operation, was pretty unsightly and was large enough to have a few puppies in it, but was just infection and puss. Dogs can be wonderful companions, but times like those I'd rather forgot. I took he pics of maddy to remind me that I will NOT let this happen to Max and MAddie. Anyone who doesnt believe euthanising animals who are sick and dying, hasnt seen these pictures of my dog. Animals prolonged death to me are more upsetting them humans. Animals dont know whats going on, only that they are hurting bad and nothing is helping them. I felt so helpless for Maddie. There was nothing I could do. When people are dying, they usually know what is going on. Altho, sometimes I'd rather be an animal just for the lack of fear of what happens after death, whatever that is...