George: I farmed a good bit of my farming career with two guys that had no use whatever for a 3 point hitch plow. My dad and my next door neighbor were dyed in the wool trailer plow men. They never made any mistakes on 3 point plow adjustment as they damn well wouldn't even use one. The closest my dad came was the one point fast hitch plow on the 130. These two were great at observing what was happening on other farms. I bought both farms owned by these gentlemen and found myself owning 5 plows, 4 trailers and the 1 point fast hitch plow 2x12. The trailers were No.8- 2x14. No.60- 4x16 plow chief, No.60- 3x16 super chief and a No.60- 4x16 super chief. Total of 15 bottoms, however I didn't have 5 guys to put in tractor seats, to operate all these plows. It had been my intention to keep the 1 point and 2x14 trailer, sell the other three and put a plow behind my new 1066 to load it. The IH dealer had a 510- 5x16 super chief, he'd been sitting on it for awhile, everyone seemed afraid of it, just didn't want to tackle it with their 706s, 756s and 766s, thuss he offered me that plow for $2,000. in the fall of 1975. I told him I'd try it, thus he delivered it and hitched it to 1066, left the operator's manual in the cab. I didn't go near for several days as I wanted to see the reaction and possible use of this contraption by my dad and neighbor, both in their 60s at that time, and both knew which fields I wanted to plow. The neighbor was the first to move on it as it was parked behind his house. He called my dad, said, " come see the new plow, it's 3 point hitch and it works, plus the tractor has a cab." That fall we plowed 350 acres, I got to plow 5 of those acres, they wouldn't let me have it, and their reasoning, both had spent 40+ Canadian falls plowing without a cab, this might be their last kick at the can and I would have at least 40 years ahead of me for this experience. These gentlemen both could have entered competition plowing just about anywhere and placed in top 10. They could have made 3 point hitch plows work, just stubborn I guess. Back in 1975, I found all this quite amusing, old guys and then quite new technology. The next spring my dad sold the No.8 for $75. oneday when I was away. I sold all the other trailers for $2,000., same as I paid for the semi-mount. I said, "Dad now you know why I wanted to keep the No.8, we had to have a trailer plow around." Truth is I wanted to save it for competition plowing, antique classes. You give me a Farmall H, No.8 2x14 with Canadian ACE bottoms, and I'll woop the H@!! out of you 3 point guys at any plowing competition. In fact here in Canada where competition plowing is big, the 3 point guys won't even compete in the same class as trailers. They need a class of their own.