I hope someone here can help me with my hydraulics problem so I won’t have to go at it blind.I am restoring an SC, with fast hitch. I am new to Farmalls and their hydraulic systems. I have the IH-8 manual and the Blue Ribbon service manual for the touch control. I have read the Troubleshooting Test Procedure but do not have a test valve to check pressures so I do not know if I can follow these test procedures. The hydraulics worked fine before the teardown for restoration so I left that system mostly as it was. I did replace the manifold tubes from the pump to the remote valve/cylinder block. I used new O rings at that location. I drained and cleaned out the cylinder block and installed a replacement filter unit. I did exterior cosmetics like replace the cylinder boots and actuator valve boots. I did not open the cylinder block. I did not go into the hydraulic pump. The pump stayed on the engine as it was. Now the problem, upon engine startup today for the first time, with new hi/tran fluid in the hydraulic system, the system seemed to work as designed for about two minutes. The fast hitch cylinder operated, the implement arms rotated forward and rearward. Then everything hydraulics came to a stop. Nothing works when levers are moved. One rock shaft is forward and one is rearward. The fast hitch cylinder is in the down position and does not move when the remote valve is worked. I topped off the hitran level and worked the control levers for 20 - 30 times. Nothing! To search out the problem I drained the fluid, took out the filter and it was clean and not plugged. I took off the manifold tubes between the pump and the cylinder block and turned over the engine to see what I could see. Nothing jumped out at me as a problem. Do I need to remove the pump and rebuild it? Do I need to take the cylinder block apart and rebuild it? Any suggestions to get the hydraulics working would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.