Jim: Your title startled me, reminded me of something I once said to a neighbor. I was doing custom combining for him. I also knew he had more combine experience than I at that time, and further I knew he was itching to get his hands on the operator controls of my new combine. Finally I said to him, " I have reason to go home for a spell, do you want to operate the combine." Of course he jumped at the idea. About an hour later he phoned me saying the combine had quit, a 354 Perkins diesel. By the time I got there he had it going again but could hear unsteadyness of engine. I looked it over and low he had put a feed bag over the air intake, not jute like the old timers would do, but one of the new plastic woven feed bags. As he was operating I went across top of combine, untied the bag, pulled it off and combine started working perfect. By this time another friend arrived on the scene, bear in mind we all enjoyed getting a dig in at each other shortcomings. I said, " Gordon, the next time you pull a stunt like today we will pull the woven plastic bag over your air intake." I hadn't read the other thread and was unaware of just what CNKS's air intake problem was. Don't worry Charles, I'm not suggesting a plastic bag for you.