If you are thinking, "hook one hose from the cylinder to the front left, and hook the other to the right," then you are DEAD WRONG and you will break something!!!! Both these ports are ONE-WAY hydraulic ports. They both apply pressure at the same time, when you pull the lever. You can't use them with two-way hydraulic cylinders. If you hook them up, one to each end of a two-way cylinder, you will blow a hose, blow a fitting, blow the cylinder, or worse, blow the belly pump in your tractor!!! DO NOT DO IT! You need to add a two-way hydraulic valve to the tractor to operate a two-way cylinder. This is fairly easy: 1. Obtain an open-center, dual-acting spool valve from your local Tractor Supply. 2. Mount it in a convenient location on your tractor. 3. Run a hose from the right port to the IN on the valve. 4. Run a hose from the OUT on the valve to the fill pipe. Close the vent on the cap or replace it with a plain pipe cap, or you will have hydraulic fluid EVERYWHERE. 5. Run two short hoses from the work ports on the spool valve to the rear of the tractor. Terminate these in Pioneer quick connects so you can easily disconnect the grain drill from the tractor without spilling large quantites of oil. To operate, you pull the belly pump lever and lock it back. Use the spool valve lever to run the grain drill up and down.