Nick: This is an open forum and folks will discuss what they want to discuss. Your not going to get any questions about pre 1930s tractors from folks wanting to fix a Farmall H or M. The truth is most folks on here are not collectors, but rather people using a tractor for part time farming, full time farming or yard work. Usually the full time and retired farmers are giving advice, the part time farmers are both asking and giving advice, and by far the largest group left the farm 40 years ago, just want to be brought up to speed on what grandad didn't tell them about the tractor they are using for yard work. Personally, I don't think you will find a whole lot of folks using a Mogul or Titan equipped with a Woods belly mower, garden plow or disk, etc. That is just my personal observation from being around YT close to 8 years. I've yet to try and answer the question that hasn't been asked. I'm 65 and know very little about pre 1930 tractors, in fact, lifetime I've only driven one tractor with a mag, that being a W4 around 1948 to 51. I say 51 as the W4 was traded off for an H by my dad in 51. I suspect if one were to expect a lot of discussion about Moguls and Titans, we'd have to figure a way to communicate with those in their grave.