Dale I will explain how to repair a small crack in a block using JB Weld. I worked for many years in the automotive meachine field and I repaired many blocks for race cars,daily driven automobiles,farm and industrial engines. First thing to do is drain all the water/anti freeze from the block and flush the block with a water hose until the water runs clear if your not going to take the engine apart and have it jet cleaned. Next you need to remove all the paint from the crack and about and inch around the crack. What I have used in the past is paint remover and a wire brush if the paint is thick and wont come off easy you can use a wire brush attached to a drill. After you have the cracked area clean wipe clean with paint thinner and after the thinner dries use a torch and warm the area of the crack. You dont want the area red hot just warmed. Mix your JB Weld by its instructions and apply to the area of the crack. As the block cools it will draw the JB Weld into the crack. I know this works because as stated above I have repaired many cracked blocks using this method and they all held. Hope this helps you out. Damon Paris Tx