Im afraid youre mixing apples and oranges. What youre calling a "Cutout" might actually be a full fledged 4 terminal (BAT FLD LOAD ARM) Voltage Regulator and I say that cuz you mention a L terminal which a 3 terminal (BAT ARM FLD) would NOT have!!!!! !!! and if its being used to replace a simple 2 wire Cutout Relay (BAT GEN). it can still be made to work REGARDLESS provided its wired correct: On the 2 terminal Cutout Relays (BAT GEN) BAT wired to the load (NOT battery/starter) side of the ammeter and GEN wired to the gennys ARM post. The Field post on the Genny wired up to the light switch PROVIDED it was the correct LHDB switch which regulated the gennys charge rate. On the 4 terminal VR (BAT FLD LOAD ARM) NOTE theres often a terminal underneath or off on one side all by itslef which is the ARM while the 3 side by side terminals are BAT FLD LOAD. they wire: BAT to load side of ammeter FLD to gennys Field post LOAD feeds hot battery voltage up to the light switch (its BAT INPUT terminal) ARM to the gennys ARM post NOTE if you replace a 2 wire Cutout Relay with a 3 or 4 terminal VR, the gennys Field post DOES NO LONGER WIRE TO THE LIGHT SWITCH. The time the gennys Field post wires to the light switch is when you use a 2 wire Cutout Relay, but with a 3 or 4 terminal VR the gennsy field post wires to the FLD terminal on the VR If it were only a 3 terminal (BAT ARM FLD) VR with no L terminal it can still work but loads like lights or ignition get hot battery voltage from the ammeters load terminal, same one that wires to BAT on the VR. Check out Bob M's Wirign Diagrams and see for sure what that black box youre callin a cutout really is n let us know. Does it have 2 (BAT GEN/ARM) or 3 or 4 (maybe one on a side or underneath) terminals)????? ????? ????? ?? Are the terminals labeled like BAT ARM FLD LOAD or ONLY BAT ARM FLD or what???? Again since you mention a L terminal I suspect its a 4 terminal VR and maybe ARM is underneath? LET US KNOW Does your Light Switch have LHDB positions???? Are you at Positive or Negative ground??? Have you polarized the Genny???? John T