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how much does gas have to be

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05-29-2007 19:51:16

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how high does gas have to get before we bring back the horse?

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David Goode

05-30-2007 09:28:37

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 19:51:16  
There was a guy here in Cedar Rapids who invented a contraption that doubled gas milage when attached to a carburetor. One of the big Auto companies bought the gizmo and put it on the shelf. From what I understand there is no major energy shortage, the oil companies are just slowing down production so they can make more $$$ -David Goode Coggon, IA

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Fancy Farm

05-30-2007 07:12:05

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 19:51:16  
I honestly believe if gas was $5000.00 a gallon you still couldn't drive for all the trafic. Most Americans would sell there kids before missing a trip to Wal Mart.

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Hugh MacKay

05-30-2007 06:48:13

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 19:51:16  
jonnny: If we all, and when I say all that includes everyone in North America, (even those who use public transit, or have all their goods and services hauled to them, and never personally buy gas) cut our gas consumption by 30%, those oil barrons would be crying uncle within 3 months.

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R Weis

05-31-2007 18:05:13

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to Hugh MacKay, 05-30-2007 06:48:13  
I am very much interested in Mr Joe Newmans research on the Magnetic engine, do you have an address or Ph # for hime or know how I can get in touch with him, he can E mail me. I believe in time this will be the answer to producing pwer without fuel. Thanks

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Hugh MacKay

06-01-2007 16:47:01

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to R Weis, 05-31-2007 18:05:13  
R Weis: I'm sorry, I don't know or know of Mr. Newmans and his invention.

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05-30-2007 05:48:00

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 19:51:16  
How many of you know about Joe Newman? He has hand built motors that produce their own power from permanent magnets. Yet some of the public thinks it is a scam. The patent office says it is a perpetual motion machine & will not patent it. I think that someday it will replace all fuels, as there is no burning or pollution. What are your thoughts?

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05-30-2007 04:35:13

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 19:51:16  
The best thing I can tell you that the oil companies are screwing all of us like house cats here. In Indiana gas last week was $3.59.9 for regular gas. The only thing that I was lucky to do was convert my 91 GMC truck to propane, since I already have 4 tractors that run on propane already. Just got it running over the weekend, and It purrs like a kitten on it and I buy propane for $1.50/ gal. The oil companies are going to ruin this country with these price like they are and they need to be held accountable for the record BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN QUARTERLY PROFITS!!!!! !!!! Each quarter for the last several years now. They had to regulate Ma Bell and several other companies in history because of price gouging and eliminating the competitionand now is the time for them to regulate these thieves. They might as well be holding all of us at gun point. They are without the gun!!!! If the government wants to put some control on these guys, The simplest way would be not to allow them to sell gas for 3 or 4 days up to a week at a time for price gouging. Even a month would be a tough penalty that would be reasonable if necessary. and not just one station, but all they own. This might slow them down and make the oil companies stop and think. Maybe not, I don't know. It would be a good start!!!!! And I don't understand why we are selling all of the oil that is pumped in Alaska to China and Japan. At these prices they can afford to refine all of the sulfur out and keep it here in our country. This is all a bunch of bull sh!t as well!!!! Its my 2 cents.

Oh, by the way, My 2 Farmall 400's and my 450 and my ford 860 that are on propane are the only thing that is keeping me in farming at the time, and run like new. It takes allot of time and money to keep them that way.

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05-31-2007 03:43:49

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to farmallkid1958, 05-30-2007 04:35:13  
I was in Alaska in 1992. We went on a tour of the oil terminal in Valdes. Someone asked about oil going to Japan. The tour guide told us that all the oil from Alaska is sent the west coast of the U.S.. None is sold to Japan or any other country.What happens to the oil after it is refined? I can't answer that. So,unless things have changed since 92 or we where misled,the oil is not sold to Japan.

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Eric SEI

05-30-2007 13:57:06

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to farmallkid1958, 05-30-2007 04:35:13  
The reason they sell Alaskan oil to Japan is it is cheaper to ship oil from Venezuela to the US east coast than it is to ship it from Alaska. Japan is closer to Alaska than most of the lower 48 are, so the shipping charges from Alaska to Japan are cheaper. It actually is cheaper (because of shipping charges) for us to sell Alaskan oil to Japan and use that money to buy oil from Venezuela.

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MN Scott

05-30-2007 06:35:04

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to farmallkid1958, 05-30-2007 04:35:13  
I get tired of poeple bashing oil companies. If you want to get in on the oil company profits go buy stock in them. Their profits are dispersed to the stockholders you know. Anyone with a few bucks to spare can buy as much stock as they want.

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05-30-2007 14:18:04

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to MN Scott, 05-30-2007 06:35:04  
That is a good idea all some of these people that are struggling to house, feed, cloth and educate there kids on some of these jobs that have cut pay by 50% have to do is but up a lot of oil company stock and then live like fat cats.

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05-30-2007 08:06:23

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to MN Scott, 05-30-2007 06:35:04  
The oil company are keeping the profits to themselves. This is why I say this. About 10 years I bought stock in a oil company. The price was under $30.00 a share. They paid a divedend of $1.00 per year.Thats .25 a quartar. Over time that stock went up to over $125.00 a share. The company split the stock 1 to 1 and now the stock is up over $80.00. They are still only paying .25 a quartar. Wyh have the divedends not incresed?.They are keeping the profits.

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MN Scott

05-30-2007 11:46:54

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to JTinNJ, 05-30-2007 08:06:23  
Maybe reinvesting in infastructure repair/ replacement and to seach out ant develop new sources. Oil companies are public owned so by deffination they cannot "keep the money for themselves" as they are owned by sharholders and governed by a board of directors elected by shareholders. The 80's and 90's were not profitable for oil companys with the price of oil below $20 a barrel. Are you going to start bashing and calling for windfall taxes on farmers now to because our commodities are currentally high priced and we are keeping the profits for ourselves? We as farmers pull our living from the ground same as oil companies and we benifit and suffer from the comodity prices and supply and demand that we can do little to change.

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05-30-2007 12:52:24

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to MN Scott, 05-30-2007 11:46:54  
You are not keeping the profits. The price of oil is taking some of it. Along with the increase in prices of everything that is delivered by truck,train, plane and so on. This is everything you buy. Just go to the grocery and see what increases have taken place there in the last 2 months. Look at the fuel adjustment on your utility bills.

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05-30-2007 11:56:16

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to MN Scott, 05-30-2007 11:46:54  
That is a good response. You have a exalent point. The only comment I have is. Farming is the only industry I know of where one has to pay retail to produce a product to be solded at wholesale prices. You have to take what ever someone is willing to pay. On the other hand the oil companys can charge whatever they want.You don't have to see it my way.I just hope you understand my point of view.

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05-30-2007 04:07:22

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 19:51:16  
Ethanol and other Biofuels are the answer.And the first thing that we need to do is take the ethanol and Biofuels away from the oil companys.They are in busness to sell oil not ethanol or anything else for that matter.We need to be building Alternative fueling stations.Not gasoline stations.

Now if someone that had lots of money would start and think that way.

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05-29-2007 21:59:36

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 19:51:16  
That born at night phrase is one of my favorites.

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05-29-2007 20:50:35

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 19:51:16  
tom. gas is between 2.99 and 3.19 here now. but just last march it was 1.69 at the PUMP! it does not seem to be a supply issue as gas stations are not running out. but they say the supply is tight. I don't belive it eather. They all have merged togehter so there is less compition. in fact in minnesota it is againt the law to sell gas too cheep! there was a little station in hastings minnesota that always wanted to be 2 cents lower than the big guys. well the big guys just kept matching him. Well the little guy got sued and had to pay big fines and now is closed. now gas in hastings is just as high as the rest of the state. I paid 2.33 frr farm gas and i thought that was a rip off. because back in feb and march it was less than 2.00 There is a gas station in redwing minnesota you can prepay for as many gallons as you want. So a few years back when gas was 1.13 i bought 5000 worth. It has never came back to that level. My dad thought i was nuts because he thought it could go down. My thinking was.... well if it goes down i will just by it at the pump and save my pre paid gas. well it never went down. i was still paying 1.13 when it was 2.39 then i ran out. I wish i bought more. Even "tripple A" said gas would not go above 2.75 this year, boy were they wrong. Then on the news they were saying that we could be going in the way back machine and said gas was gonna be around .99 cent again? they were wrong too. I do know this though, when some one comes out with a diffrent fuel and it can be used in mass numbers gasoline will fall like a rock out of the sky and they will be wishing they could get 1.50 for it. I belive alcohol like brazil is the answer to big oil and farmers can raise enough crop (rember it dosent have to be corn) to make the big oil think twice. but then all big oil will due is make it so cheap that alcohol would be more expensive thus leaving us in this cat and mouse game. the ones who are paying the price will be our kids kids with dirty air and water. We need to invest in bio fuels no matter how cheap gas is.

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05-30-2007 19:22:03

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 20:50:35  
Arent you all forgeting something, just remember that we have the oil barons in the White House, and running our Govt. When all Govt officials including the President , and down the line pay for every gallon of fuel that it takes to drive them whereever they go and furnish their own cars, gas will go below $1 a gal, it wont as long as we are paying their way. As one Arab official answered the question of high oil prices, his response was , well you have oil people in the White house, and the hedge funds and speculators are doing the rest to keep prices high.

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05-29-2007 20:22:19

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 19:51:16  
5.00 gasoling would not bother me if I only needed 5 or 10 gallons to filler up. but farmers trucks need 25-30 gallons. they cant go to a hybrid truck as there is not one that can provide the same power on 1/10th the fuel. Prople who live in town might be able to say as long as its under 5 bucks it don't bother me. and as for a raise at work? i think we all know how that one goes. So seriouly we need to figure out a way to get sustainable fuel at resonable cost other wise eventually the farmers who raise crops for the world will stop farming if they lose so much money on fuel they cant make a buck. if the price of crops has to go up so farmers can stay in bussiness less and less people will be able to buy food. then people will expect the government to feed them. Well i'm off topic about tractors and i'm sorry but it is very unreasonable to have to put $80.00 in to fill up my wifes van and $90 to fill my truck. I cant even go boating unless i wann buy 57 gallons and that would not last 2 days on the river. it would not last 1 day if you run it enough. somthings going to have to give. As far as corn for alcohol... thats nice but there are other crops that can give us more ethonal per acher than corn. like grasses. you can turn grasses into alcohol. I would rather pay midwest farmers then mideast oil producers.

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05-29-2007 20:56:20

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 20:22:19  
As for farmers, that's a whole different ball game! At current prices it costs around $500 per day to run the tractor in the field!

I spent $2000 last year on fuel through 3 vehicles. Dad runs that through in less than a week on the farm... I sure am glad they wouldn't let me take over the farm and forced me to go to college - best thing that ever happened to me!

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05-29-2007 20:00:31

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 Re: how much does gas have to be in reply to jonnnny2006, 05-29-2007 19:51:16  
Honestly, it would have to be over $5 before I make any serious changes to my habits. At $7 I would probably trade the Accord for a Civic or Civic Hybrid or other Hybrid. At $10 I would sell the van for a larger Hybrid type vehicle for our second vehicle... and request a raise in pay to compensate for the increased cost of living. At $15 I would probably move closer to work and buy a bicycle.

Realistically there are too many people that need transportation and power to pull farm equipment to go back to the horse. When tractors came out (namely the Farmall) they proved that the land used to keep the horses up could be put into production and the tractor would come out cheaper/more profitable. Labor costs would skyrocket if we went back to the horse, etc...

There is no easy solution, but also I don't think there is quite so much need for the alarm/excitement.

I'm sure someone will reply and blow 5 gallon gas can size holes in my thoughts and theories... Oh well.

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Tom Windsor

05-29-2007 20:10:57

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 Re: GAS PRICES in reply to Steven@AZ, 05-29-2007 20:00:31  
I have learned something...you folks through Indiana, Illinois and Iowa are really getting it stuck to you. The gas prices out on the road there was $342.9 per gallon for 87 octane.

As I moved back in to Ky, Tn and NC the prices dropped down to about $3.09..

I think...that the price has absolutely nothing to do with the "supply/demand" economic theory because you can buy all the gas that you want as long as you have the bucks to do it with. I think, the gasoline industry is really raking in the bucks and are setting the prices because they have a monopoly on the subject. Price fixing? Think about it...why does every gasoline station with a 100 mile radius...all "competitors" change the price to the exact same level at the exact same time????

I was born at night...but not last night.

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