Is she heavy discharging AFTER you shut her down????? ??? If so the cutout relay may be sticking closed (bad VR or Cutout Relay). If the discharge stops if you unhook the hot wire (down from ammeter) from the BAT terminal on a Cutout Relay or Voltage Regulator, thats likely it. If the belt were removed and the cutout relay was indeed sticking, the genny would spin like a DC motor (which it is). If you need my Complete Troubleshooting Procedure for non charging which can detect if the non charging is a Genny or a VR problem, let me know or do a search. Heres an exerpt to tell if its a Genny or VR problem: TO DETERMINE IF ITS A GEN OR VR OR CUTOUT RELAY PROBLEM 5. a) VOLTAGE REGULATOR SYSTEM: With the tractor running, temporarily ground the Gens Field post to case. If she charges then but NOT otherwise, the VR may be bad, or a wires missing from VR's Field post to the Field terminal on the VR, or the VR isn’t well grounded. b) IF IT’S A CUTOUT RELAY SYSTEM and she charges only if you dead ground the Field but NOT otherwise, its either a bad switch or the switch isn’t well grounded or else the wires bad or open from the Gens Field post up to the switch. INSURE THAT GOOD SWITCH GROUND AND WIRING 6. If she still don’t charge, leave the Field grounded and jump a wire across from the VR or Cutout Relays BAT terminal over to its GEN terminal (jump by passes the cutout relay) and see if she charges. If then but not otherwise, a VR's cutout relay isn’t working correct (maybe points burned/carboned) or a Cutout Relays NOT working or not wired correct. 7. With the 2 steps above, you have basically by passed the VR or Cutout relays functions, so if she still don’t charge, you're left with a bad battery or wiring or the Gen itself. 8. MOTOR TEST. You can Motor test the Gen. If its grounded and you remove the belt and apply hot battery voltage direct to its ARM Post and have the Field Post dead grounded to frame, it should motor n run well (Armature n Brushes and Commutator likely okay). Then, if you next remove the Fields ground and it speeds up some, the Fields probably good. If it passes both those tests, it should charge, and if not, it may be a wiring or battery or grounding problem. The hot battery voltage may be taken off the VR's BAT terminal or the starter post or the battery itself for this test. John T