That lift is SO complicated, and it is NOT a high-production tractor, so I doubt ANYONE on this site can be of much help troubleshooting it "remotely", unless you're REAL lucky, and someone is "in depth" familiar with it. I have made some minor adjustments to mine, and it works well, so I am NOT familiar with all the mojor stuff that can go wrong. Another guy (in IL) is having 424 lift problems, and saw a reply of mine on this site, and asked to borrow my 424 3-point hitch Blue Ribbon Service manuals. I have an extra set, and have agreed to loan them to him, for a short time. When I get them back, if you haven't solved your problem, I would be willing to loan them to you. The are VERY detailed, and SHOULD explain how to troubleshoot and repair about ANY problem with the system. Or, watch ebay for the manual and supplement, or contact Binder Books about ording a set from them. I'll try to post back with the manual #'s, as I don't have them "at hand" at the moment. email is open.