Others with better experience may advise you differently and please defer to them. However I am in the process of changing out a right axle on a '53 Super C now and happy to share on that and hope it helps you with yours. So far we've removed the wheel, wheel weights and having some trouble getting the top (deck) off the gear box. This is a lot easier with 2 guys because of the weight but 1 guy can do it. A couple bolt heads broke off which can be replaced ok. One, left front corner is in a bad spot for tapping out and will add some time to the job. This same bolt is holding the deck and if it doesn't tap out I will have to fully remove the controls 'tree' which is another hours work but only a small pain. We were able to raise the deck up from the rear and I can see into the box. The big gear on the right is loose and just laying cocked in there. So my point is you may be able to come in through the pto but you may discover you need to get fully into the rear end box to examine and/or make other adjustments or replacements. So you might want to just take the bit in your teeth and go in from the top. By the way, instead of using standard WD-40 I took a recommendation from a kid working at a Home Depot and am using a spray can of PB Blaster. It's a world better than anything else I've seen, including WD by far. On an otherwise rust free tractor that has had a lot of obvious good care over the years I was surprised to find that the bolts that broke off had rusted 50% through close under their heads in the deck plate itself. One of the bigger problems I've found is can't seem to locate a diagram of where all the gears should be and what torques, adjustments, alignments, etc. should be. I've called the companies that sell the full manuals and so far, to my surprise, haven't found one that includes this in their manuals. Once I get fully into the box I'm going to want to make sure I get everything back together correctly and replace any and all parts that might need it. This is obviously not a job I'm wanting to do twice. Hope any of this helps. Ed342 - Northville, MI