Scott, First of all, I dont know beans about the Mags (Wico or otherwise) used on IHC so believe Hal over me HOWEVER if your Wico mag is anything like the Wico X or C Models Im familair with, the rotor tip location PRIOR TO the mags spring winding and then tripping over on impulse IS NOTTTTT TTTTT T in line with the tower terminal leading to the plug in question!!!!! !! buttttt ttttt t its as follows: PRIOR TO the mag tripping over on impulse, the rotor tip is pointed BEFORE the tower that receives the spark once the mag trips/impulses. Theres no spark UNTIL the mag trips over and at that time the rotor begins to spin and the spark occurs approximately at the time the tip lines up with the tower thats located JUST AFTER where the tip was "prior to" the impulse winding up n tripping over. I give Seminars on the Wico C and X Models used on 2 banger Deeres buttttt ttt the same Wicos were also used on 4 cylinder tractors just with a cap of 4 versus 2 terminals and they have 4 versus only 2 impulse cycles. (I think???) Sooooo oo Ima thinkin (I need Hal and Bob n others help here) just prior to the impulse spring n trip mechanism operation, the rotor tip would be BEFORE AND NOTTTTT TT IN LINE WITH the tower to the No 1 cylinder. Sureeeee on a distributor the rotor tip should be right in line with the tower to No 1 plug when its at TDC and the points are just breaking open, but on a Mag I dont think you can ever have the tip (in a static condition) in line with the cap tower THAT ONLY HAPPENS WHEN THE IMPULSE TRIPS AND SHE FIRES and the tip spins past that tower. My "best guess" would be the mags correct in static start time if the rotor tip is JUST BEFORE the tower in question NOT ANY OTHER OF THE 4 TOWEWRS MIND YOU. I set my Wico start impulse timing so the mag SNAPS N FIRES just when the No 1 cylinder crosses TDC. I have the plugs out and observe the timing marks and rotate the mag timing so I hear the SNAP just as the TDC passes by. Then as far as the rotor position PRIOR TO SNAP, it should be just before that No 1 cap tower. Okay Farmall Gents, am I corect or alllll wet lol, but hey its wont be the first or last time if so and youre NOT gonna get any cherry lol Yall take care now n best wishes John T NOT an IHC kinda guy but still love lectricity