Typical values of Ignition Ballast resistors are around 1.25 to 1.85 ohms. Ive seen them smoke the first time wired cuz theres residue n maybe some film to burn off as they do run pretty darn warm. If possible heat sink them via their metal mounting clip bonded well to a big hunk of iron. I take it youre talking about the in line series ignition ballast between the ignition switch and a 6 volt coil on a 12 volt tractor, correct????? ?? cuz they do run hot..... Many (so caled bathtub style) are white and around 1/2 x 1/2 x 3 inches and look like a wirewound resistior encased in a ceramic/porcelain bathtub enclosure. If all is wired correct and were talkin of an ignition ballast resistor there shouldnt be smoke when you hook up the battery BUT ONLY if you turn on the ignition switch SURE YOU GOT THE RIGHT RESISTOR IN THE RIGHT PLACE When I wire a GM 10 SI 3 wire alternator rigged to work like a one wire I use a 10 ohm current limiting resistor in the excitation circuit BUT THATS NOT THE SAME AS THE IGNITIION BALLAST SURE YOU WIRED THE BATERY NEGATIVE GROUND!!!!! !!! if not you can fry the alternator. STILL IT SHOULDNT SMOKE BY HOOKING UP THE BATTERY if wired right theres no current in it until ignition is on BETTER RE CHECK YOUR WIRING AND FOR NEG GROUND John T