OK...here is the story of my Super H. Stage 2 with factory wide front, factory belt pully (with original pully still there, and aftermarket 3 point hitch. Bought it for $950. I have put several hundered into it replacing the manifold, muffler, light switch, new 6 volt battery, re-built generator, re-wired, new battery box, replaced the gear oil...blah bah blah. I still need some light sheetmetal work, brake work, some seals, a new seat shock, paint, etc. I think I have about $1500 in it. It runs well but maybe needs some head work (a valve on #1 sticks), but has good compression otherwise. Front tires are 7.50X15 which are way over size and the rears ar 15.5X38 and one isn't so good and the other probably needs a boot. So it hasn't been a steal, but not too shabby either. The factory wide front is both rare and useful in hilly country. Is the Super H worth more than a regular H? In real terms the additional utility is probably minimal, especially the stage 1 Super H. Do I like it and is it a bit of a watershed period for IH, yes. It is worth enough to me to put it in the not available at any price category and I have had 2 unsolicited offers that I have refused. Anyway, if a good average H is a $1500 tractor, the Super beats that by $500-$1000 or so depending on how it is furnished. Loacation and condition make a world of difference.