RAS: I never like disputing what an IH serviceman tells me. I suspect however you guys don't see a lot of SA, 130 or 140 in your shops anymore. I had one of you guys for a neighbor. He used to tell me, he didn't know much about the offsets. He said,"we never get to work on them anymore." Funny , he did a good job when I took him my distributors, carburators, water pump, etc. However I don't believe the 10 or 12 gauge wire was ever intended for mag kill switch. Diagrams I have got my hands on today show all mag and distributor ign. wires going along right side of tractor. This heavy wire was made right into the original harness that goes along left side of tractor. In that harness is wires to head lights, 2 wires from generator to regulator, two wires from regulator to ign switch and ampmeter and this heavy green wire, which is not hooked at either end. My suspicion is this wire is intended for an attachment made for these tractors. Since Mitch found same in his 62 - 140. I have owned 3 Super As and 2 - 130s and none of them had this wire. This looks to me as though wire was designed for an electro magnet, electric clutch, real heavy lights, etc. May be something to do with liquid fertilizer side dress eq. Obviously something new around 1960. Now here is a good question, how many of you guys have found this wire in the harness of your offset Farmall.