Sounds like you got a real mess there! A couple thoughts…. Virtually ALL alternators are negative ground - can almost guarantee yours is too. If the alternator has ever been connected positive ground - even for an instant - the alternator has been ruined. The good news is if there was no fuse in that fuseholder, perhaps the alternator has never been electrically connected. Thus the alternator MAY still be OK. Way to find out is take the alternator off and bring it to a parts store like NAPA. They can test it, also tell you what kind of alternator you've got (internal or external regulated, single wire, etc.). You'll need this information in order to correctly wire the alternator onto your tractor. No need to worry about electrical system polarity and the starter! The starter is polarity insensitive and will spin the right direction grounded either way. Your what kind of fluid/where to fill power steering question depends on the steering mfr (Charlynn, Behlen or ???), and whether it has it's own separate pump or is fed from a flow divider from the tractor hydraulics. For Dave (CT): Punch below for a collection of wiring diagrams for various generator/alternator configurations - should be one here that will apply to your tractor.