Not certain it's a Continental Y69 Sue - just a guess. But it sure LOOKS like a Continental engine, and the Y69 was one of their smaller 4 cylinder flatheads. However there's also an N56, N62, Y91, Y112 and others. (Incidentally the N62 powered the little Allis Chalmers "G" tractors.) All these engines were commonly used as a power unit for balers, small combines, welders, pumps, forklifts, etc. You need to find the name plate (or other unique identifier) to establish exactly what engine that is. Continental still operates under the name Teledyne Wisconsin. Also there's still places around that stock repair parts, manuals, etc. even though the engines have long gone out of production. A When you ask for a regulator, do you mean for the battery charging generator or the power generator? If the former, it's probably the same 6 volt, 4-terminal regulator used on early 50's era Farmall gas tractors (Cub, A, C, H, M). However the power generator - if it requires regulator - will be tougher. Need ALL the nameplate data off the generator head, and then hope the mfr is still in business or a motor shop can cross to it.