Could be a jammed starter drive (bendix), bad starter switch or a problem in the starter itself. However first make sure all the battery cable connections - especially the ground connection to the frame - are clean and tight. If that doesn't do it then... Begin by loosening the starter mounting bolts a half dozen turns. Pull the starter backward away from the engine, wiggle it to make sure it's free, then retighten the bolts. If the starter now works it says the starter drive is worn and is jamming. You'll need to replace the drive or it will jam again sooner or later. Note - this is a common problem with Farmalls as the starter drives wear out. If the above doesn't do it, remove battery cable from the starter switch, then remove the switch from the starter. Now take the free end of the battery cable and touch it to the terminal "button" beneath where the starter switch sits on the starter. (Expect a spark when the cable touches the button!) If the starter now works, replace the starter switch. If neither of the above do it, the problem's gotta be in the starter itself. Unless you're familiar with the insides of starters and stuff, best take the starter to a good starter/alternator shop for repair.