Red: I don't remember exactly what I said, however I suspect any info I would have given came from IT service manual which covers 100, 130, 140, 200, 230, 240, 404 and 2404 tractors, C-123 and C-135 engines. That manual shows the same bolt pattern for both engines. both have the pilot bearing hole drilled in crank. In fact when you read this manual the specs lead one to believe the blocks are the same. Bore C-123 3-1/8, C-135 3-1/4 Stroke C-123 4, C-135 4-1/16. The following items are same in both engines; crankshaft journal, crankpin diameter, camshaft journals, valve stem diameter, main bearings running clearence, rod bearings running clearence, rod side play, piston skirt clearence, crank shaft end play, camshaft bearing clearence, camshaft end play, cooling system 3.75 gal. for all and crankcase 5 quarts for all. Items different; piston pin diameter, valve settings, valve seats, carburation and rpm. I trust this will cover what I may have said. One must remember that 340 will be a bit different in the crank- flywheel area as it has a different presure plate, being geared up for Indenendant PTO.