07-29-2003 19:09:50
Re: Farmall 400 @ Auction - Your Thoughts and Esti in reply to TK, 07-29-2003 15:56:42
Don't know about yaAll, but in this part of the world (Kansas) that would be a 1000 dollar tractor TOPS. Just stop and think...say 650 to get the TA up to par. Good luck finding the missing sheet metal, and fenders, my guess is you're over 2000, plus what ever else is wrong you don't know yet. A few months ago a 400 sold a few miles from here (I had to work that day). This was a Diesel, I'd seen it before, and it ran ok, missing some sheet metal parts, wide front end, (don't know about the TA)...I'd only saw it one time at a tractor pull, and it appeared to pull ok....It sold for 750 dollars...I couldn't believe it, my buddy was there and he told me he thought about buying it for me...I wanted to strangle him...I would have probably given 2500 dollars for it. My advise is simply this. Don't get in the frame of mind where you've just GOT TO Have IT. I'll tell you one thing though, a 400 farmall is one H&LL of a tractor, I can't really think of a nicer mid sized tractor, the only thing I can think thats comparable is a 3020JD. Live PTO, dual hydraulics, Wow...wish I had one!!!!