08-08-2003 16:15:29
Re: HP rating, reputation of IH 686 diesel in reply to Stephen W. Horvath, 08-08-2003 05:42:43
It's right around 65 horsepower. The only difference between a 656, 666, and 686 is the engines each one could have. 656 could have a C-263 gas or a D-282 diesel. 666 could have a C-291 gas or a D-312 diesel. 686 could have a C-291 gas, a D-312 diesel or a D-310 German diesel. The easy way to tell the difference between a D-312 and a D-310 is that the D-310 has one horizontally mounted oil filter, while the D-312 has two vertically mounted oil filters. Other than that, the only differences between a late 656 and a 686 are the grill, paint job, and decals. We had a 686 with the D-310 for about 6 years. It was a very good all-around workhorse, very reliable. The only problem is that the D-310 engine is very cold-blooded, will not start without the block heater once it gets below 40 degrees. We'd probably still have the 686, but a the nicest, low-houred 3088 I've ever seen came along earlier this summer, and we traded the 686 for it. The 686 had around 6600 hours on it, and never needed any major work while we had it, I know the original owners, and they say it had a bunch of trouble with the shift linkage once.