Hi Guys, I've got a few questions about early (1939) Farmall A tractors; 1. I've seen temperature gauges in the tractor repro parts catalogs and they are listed for '39-46 Farmall A. Did all A's have a temperature gauge? My 1939 A does not, and I don't see anywhere to put one. Mine is the Thermo-syphon cooling system, not the real water pump type. If mine should have a temp gauge where should it be mounted? 2. Did the '39 A come with a swinging drawbar standard or was it an option? 3. What should the range be on the oil pressure gauge? Should it be 0-75, 0-40, or LO-HI? 4. My tractor is magneto with hand start. There is no choke rod back to the platform area. To use the choke you have to grab the tang on the choke shaft of the carb and turn it. Is this right or should there be a rod? (There is a hole in the tang, but I don't see any holes or brackets back by the steering column) 5. Were all 1939 A seats covered in silver canvas or could it have had just an uncovered red steel pan? Thanks for any info you can provide. regards, bob